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Monday, September 7, 2009

To Read all section and keys in an Ini File

void ReadSectionsAndKeys(CString csPath)
char lpszReturnBuffer[MAX_PATH];
char* pNextSection = NULL;
pNextSection = lpszReturnBuffer;
//TRACE("Section: %s\n", pNextSection);
//printf("Section: %s\n", pNextSection);
// for keys
int nPos=-1;
char lpszKeyNames[8192];
DWORD dSize;
dSize = sizeof(lpszKeyNames);
CString csNameandValue(""), csKey(""),csValue("");

while (*pNextSection != 0x00)
GetPrivateProfileSection( pNextSection, lpszKeyNames , dSize , csPath );
char *pKeyName = lpszKeyNames;

while (*pKeyName != 0x00)
nPos = -1;
if(*pKeyName != 0x00)
//TRACE("Keys: %s\n", pKeyName);
csNameandValue = pKeyName;
if((nPos = csNameandValue.Find("=")) > -1)
csKey = csNameandValue.Left(nPos);
pKeyName = pKeyName + strlen(pKeyName) + 1;
pNextSection = pNextSection + strlen(pNextSection) + 1;
if(*pNextSection != 0x00)
//TRACE("Section: %s\n", pNextSection);