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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How to empty recycle bin programmatically?

While processing or writing huge files to disk, its quite possible that disk will go out of space. To Squeeze and to get more disk space, its a good idea to clean the recycle bin. But how to do it programmatically?

You can use the api - SHEmptyRecycleBin(). See the code snippet below.


By modifying the options, you can show progress UI, Show confirmation dialog and play sound on finishing task. Just remove the unwanted flags.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Interprocess communication between two application in MFC

This is the example to show how to send a cstring from one application to another.

Paste this follwing code at sender.

CString csData(_T(""));
csData=" This is the message";
COPYDATASTRUCT copyDT;//Is used for Interprocess communication
copyDT.dwData = NULL;
copyDT.cbData = _tcslen(csData) + 1;
copyDT.lpData = ( void* ) ( ( LPCTSTR ) csData );
HWND hWnd = ::FindWindow(NULL,"Receiver application");
// Finding the handle of receiver application and send

// WM_COPYDATA message is used for Interprocess communication
::SendMessage( hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, (LPARAM)&copyDT );

At receiver add WM_COPYDATA message.
Paste the following code

CString csReceived;

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Function delete a Folder or directory with files and subfolders.

There is no API to delete a directory with files and subfolders.
It is the function to delete folders with files using shell operation.

bool DeleteDirectory(LPCTSTR lpszDir)
int len = _tcslen(lpszDir);
TCHAR *pszFrom = new TCHAR[len+2];
_tcscpy(pszFrom, lpszDir);
pszFrom[len] = 0;
pszFrom[len+1] = 0;

fileop.hwnd   = NULL;    // no status display
fileop.wFunc  = FO_DELETE;  // delete operation
fileop.pFrom  = pszFrom;  // source file name as double null terminated string
fileop.pTo    = NULL;    // no destination needed
fileop.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION|FOF_SILENT;  // do not prompt the user

fileop.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE;
fileop.lpszProgressTitle     = NULL;
fileop.hNameMappings         = NULL;

int ret = SHFileOperation(&fileop); 
delete [] pszFrom;  
return (ret == 0);

This function return true if it succeed.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Debugging in Release mode

Some application work well in debug mode, but crashes in release mode.
Normally we cannot able to debug in release mode.
Following is the settings to debug in release mode.

1) Open project settings by Alt+F7.
2) Select Release configuration.
3) Select “C/C++” tab. Set “Optimizations” as “Disable Debug” and “Debug Info” as “Program Database”.

4) Select “Link” tab. Enable “Generate Debug Info“.
5) Now From menu bar open "Build"--> "Set active configuration", and select Release build as  default.

6) Rebuild the project by F7.
7) Now you can debug in release mode

Thursday, January 1, 2009

How to include library File without using project seettings

include following line in your program

#pragma comment (lib, "yourLibname.lib")

#pragma comment (lib, "wbemuuid.lib")

Getting all Titles in Internet explorer running instance using COM

#import "mshtml.tlb" // Internet Explorer 5
#include "msHtml.h"
#include "ExDispID.h"
#import "shdocvw.dll"

#include "ExDisp.h"

void CIETabTiltleDlg::OnBnClickedOk() // Copy the following lines
SHDocVw::IShellWindowsPtr m_spSHWinds;
ASSERT(m_spSHWinds != NULL);

CString strCount,m_strWinCount;
long nCount = m_spSHWinds->GetCount();
strCount.Format("%i", nCount);
m_strWinCount = strCount;

IDispatchPtr spDisp;
for (long i = 0; i <>
_variant_t va(i, VT_I4);
spDisp = m_spSHWinds->Item(va);
SHDocVw::IWebBrowser2Ptr spBrowser(spDisp);
if (spBrowser != NULL)
//m_ctlListLoc is the name of list box of your application

MSHTML::IHTMLDocument2Ptr spDoc(spBrowser->GetDocument());
if (spDoc != NULL)
//m_ctlListTitle is the name of list box of your application

Windows Vista User Account Control article

A nice article about "Windows Vista User Account Control" tips and problems in your programs about Administrators privileges.

Using DLLs and The Windows API in Visual Basic 6.0

Following Link has tutorials about Using DLLs and The Windows API in Visual Basic 6.0

error C2664: 'void ATL::CStringT::Format(const wchar_t *,...)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const char [3]' to 'const wc

If you are getting following error:
error C2664: 'void ATL::CStringT::Format(const wchar_t *,...)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const char [3]' to 'const wchar_t *'

In Project Menu select your Project Properties.

In Configuration Properties
Set "Character Set" as "Use Multi-Byte Character Set"

where ever you are declaring "CString" variable add Unicode support.
CString csStr(_T("")); //_T("") is for unicode support