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Friday, February 27, 2009

Getting Local Application Path in XP & Vista

typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * SHGetKnownFolderPathFn)(REFKNOWNFOLDERID rfid, DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hToken,PWSTR *ppszPath);

PWSTR pszPath[1];
SHGetKnownFolderPathFn shGetKnownFolrPth = NULL ;

HINSTANCE hins = LoadLibrary(”Shell32.dll”);

if(hins != NULL)

shGetKnownFolrPth = (SHGetKnownFolderPathFn)::GetProcAddress(hins,”SHGetKnownFolderPath”);

if( shGetKnownFolrPth != NULL)
CString csData=pszPath[0]; // converting from wchar to ANSI.

int GetCurrentUserLocalLowAppPath(LPTSTR szProfileDir,int dirlen )


if(IsWinXP() == TRUE)
GetCurrentUserAppPath( szProfileDir, dirlen );
else if(IsVista() == TRUE)
PWSTR pszPath[1];
//copying the pszPath to szProfileDir array
return 1;
