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Thursday, September 17, 2009

ExtractIcon of other application

The ExtractIcon function retrieves a handle to an icon from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file.

HICON hIcon;
hIcon = ExtractIcon( AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\calc.exe", 0 );
SetIcon( hIcon, FALSE );

//You must destroy the icon handle returned by ExtractIcon by calling the DestroyIcon //function.

Change or Hide Start button name windows XP

void ChangeOrHideStartButton()
HWND hSysTrayWnd = ::FindWindow( "Shell_TrayWnd", 0 );
if( hSysTrayWnd )
// Get the start button
HWND hStartBtn = ::FindWindowEx( hSysTrayWnd, 0, "Button", "Start" );
if( hStartBtn )
// Hide the start button if shown or show if hidden
if( ::IsWindowVisible( hStartBtn ))
::ShowWindow( hStartBtn, SW_HIDE );
::ShowWindow( hStartBtn, SW_SHOW );
//To change name
::SetWindowText(hStartBtn,"Your Name");
