- Select File--> New
- Select Projects TAB and select MFC AppWizard(dll)
- Give Project Name as "MyDLL".
- Select "Regular DLL with MFC statically Linked" and click Finish.
- Select "Insert" Menu and choose "New Class".
- Select class type as "Generic Class"
- Give class name as "MyClass".
- Open "MyClass.h" in solution explorer window of File View tab.
- Paste the following code as in Figure 1.
- class CMyClass
__declspec(dllexport) CString Hello(CString csName);
__declspec(dllexport) CMyClass();
__declspec(dllexport) virtual ~CMyClass();
}; - Open "MyClass.cpp" in solution explorer window of File View tab.
- Paste the following code as in Figure 2.
- CString CMyClass::Hello(CString csName)
return csName;
} - Now compile and run the program.
- Now Make a copy "MyClass.h" from you project folder and Copy of "MyDLL.lib" and "MyDLL.dll" from debug folder to create a exe file.
- Select File--> New
- Select Projects TAB and select MFC AppWizard(exe).
- Give Project Name as "MyEXE".
- Select "Dialog Based" and click Finish.
- paste "MyClass.h" from dll project folder to your exe Project folder.
- Paste "MyDLL.lib" and "MyDLL.dll" from debug of DLL project folder to exe project Folder.
- Open Project -->settings and select Link tab and type "Debug/MyDll.lib" in object/Library modules
- Open " File View" tab in solution explorer window.
- Right click on the project name and select add files to project.
- select "MyClass.h" and click ok.
- Now Open " Resource View" tab in solution explorer window and select Dialog and open "IDD_MYEXE_DIALOG".
- Now add a "Edit Box" to your dialog window and Right click on edit box and select "Class Wizard" .
- select "member variable" tab and select your edit box and click "Add variable " button.
- Give member variable name as "m_edName" and category as Control.
- Now click "ok" button and add the following code in "MyEXEDlg.cpp" as in Figure 3.
- #include "myclass.h" //at the top
- void CMyEXEDlg::OnOK()
CString csName;
CString csResult;
CMyClass obj;
csResult= obj.Hello(csName);
// CDialog::OnOK();
} - Now Run and execute program. and get result as in figure 4.